Ravenbrook / ILC 2003

Fundamentals of CLOS

Nick Levine, Ravenbrook Limited, 2003-07-15

1. Introduction

This document was written for presentation during a tutorial session at the International Lisp Conference held in New York City in October 2003.

The intended audience for the tutorial is anybody with a basic knowledge of lisp or scheme, who wants to know something about how to use the "Common Lisp Object System" (CLOS). However, in an attempt to provide something for everyone, the tutorial will cover:

The author worked on the LispWorks project at Harlequin for ten years. Since then he has taught lisp to undergraduates, written an open-source search engine, and taken up the stress-free existence of a software consultant.

The examples in this tutorial are available in a separate file examples.lisp. I hope to use the code in present.lisp to squirt them into a lisp listener during the tutorial.

This document is not confidential. It is available on the web, at http://www.ravenbrook.com/doc/2003/07/15/clos-fundamentals/.

2. Background

CLOS (either one syllable rhyming with "dross", or two syllables as in "see-loss") is the "Common Lisp Object System". The functionality belonging to this name was added to the Common Lisp language between the publication of Steele's first edition of "Common Lisp, the Language" in 1984 and the formalization of the language as an ANSI standard ten years later.

The source material for CLOS was a report written in three chapters. The first two, consisting of "Programmer Interface Concepts" and "Functions in the Programmer Interface", will now be found as the two halves of chapter 28 in [Steele 1990] and were the basis for relevant parts of the ANSI specification when it later appeared. The third chapter, on the Metaobject protocol, was regarded (by its authors, I believe) as incomplete and never published.

This tutorial is also incomplete, but in a different sense: I have deliberately omitted as much as I could. CLOS offers many alternate styles of working, as well as - in some considerable detail - a number of opportunities for applications to extend and reconfigure CLOS itself. (Some of this detail will be covered in the following tutorial, on the "Metaobject Protocol".) The intention of this tutorial is to provide a sufficient grounding in the (say) 10% of CLOS which covers 90% of use cases - enough to get a novice off the ground. We will access this 10% by examining in some (but not full!) detail two defining macros: defclass and defmethod.

As to what an object system is: I can only say that by the end of this tutorial you should have some idea of what CLOS has to offer. (Is it just a collection of 33 functions, 8 macros and some interesting new types? Or is it something more profound?) Historically, and implementationally, all the concepts here are strongly related. However, when you come to use them yourself you'll find that in an application the relation is not so strong, and you can pick and choose what's useful to you and leave alone what isn't.

2.1. References

These are listed in appendix A at the end of this document. [Keene 1989] is a very easy introduction and more thorough than the single chapter in [Graham 1995], but it will obviously take you longer to read. [Steele 1990, otherwise known as "CLtl2"] is a handy reference guide, but do take a little care because it predates the ANSI specification - for which see the "hyperspec" [Pitman 1996] - and differs in some important respects (for a list of which see the end of appendix C in [Graham 1995). A (note: not "the") metaobject protocol, described in [Kiczales et al 1991, otherwise known as "AMOP"], gives many hints about configuration and implementation.

2.2. Getting started

Theoretically this should not be an issue in any fully enabled Common Lisp, because CLOS is part of the language. However, some implementations might expect you to (require "clos") or similar. Check your manual.

Most of the examples in this tutorial should work fine in any package which "uses" COMMON-LISP, and they should port to any conforming implementation. The exceptions are marked as such. I have tested the examples in LispWorks (version 4.2.7, used to generate all the examples below) and Allegro CL (version 6.2).

3. Classes and instances

3.1. Review - the non-OO approach

Before we introduce the first of our two defining macros, let's review its non object-oriented equivalent: defstruct. The language provides you with a number of specialized data types (cons, string, hash-table, etc.) along with this mechanism for defining your own structures. An example:

(defstruct point

The form is roughly equivalent to a struct declaration in C. It defines a new type, called point, with three slots (or fields if that's a word you're happier with) called x, y and z.

Compactly, the above invocation of defstruct gives us all of the following:

Structures can have any number of slots, from zero up (to some implementation-defined limit, e.g. 254 in LispWorks for Windows) and - as with lists and general vectors - the slots can hold any values.

In this example, note the form in which structures are printed by default, and which can be parsed by the lisp reader.

CL-USER 1 > (defstruct point

CL-USER 2 > (defun distance-from-origin (point)
              (let* ((x (point-x point))
                     (y (point-y point))
                     (z (point-z point)))
                (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y) (* z z)))))

CL-USER 3 > (defun reflect-in-y-axis (point)
              (setf (point-y point)
                    (- (point-y point))))

CL-USER 4 > (setf my-point (make-point :x 3 :y 4 :z 12))
#S(POINT X 3 Y 4 Z 12)

CL-USER 5 > (type-of my-point)

CL-USER 6 > (distance-from-origin my-point)

CL-USER 7 > (reflect-in-y-axis my-point)

CL-USER 8 > my-point
#S(POINT X 3 Y -4 Z 12)

CL-USER 9 > (setf a-similar-point #s(point :x 3 :y -4 :z 12))
#S(POINT X 3 Y -4 Z 12)

CL-USER 10 > (equal my-point a-similar-point)

CL-USER 11 > (equalp my-point a-similar-point)

CL-USER 12 >

Note that defstruct has a number of options (which we won't cover here), for describing inheritance, printing behaviour, slot types and defaults, and so on.

3.2. Introducing the macro defclass

The macro used for defining new data types in CLOS is defclass. An example:

(defclass point ()

Note but ignore the empty parentheses for now. Note also the parentheses around the set of slot names (unlike defstruct). The above invocation gives us the following (and no more):

Note that - unlike defstruct above - defclass gives us none of the following: constructor, predicate, accessors (unless we ask for them explicitly - see section 3.5 below), copier, #s print / read syntax. You can generate similar functionality in CLOS, but it doesn't come automatically the way it did with structures. Quite often, you'll find that you don't need the power of CLOS and that defstruct is more than enough to meet your needs, not to mention being more convenient. When I'm writing an application, I typically start by defining my types with defstruct, and only change them to defclass when it becomes necessary to do so.

Note next that if a type has previously been defined as a structure, then you can't redefine it as a class. (On the other hand, "the consequences of redefining a defstruct structure are undefined" so we shouldn't feel we're losing out.) We'll sneak around that in this session by uninterning the name of the old type:

CL-USER 12 > (unintern 'point)

CL-USER 13 > (defclass point ()

CL-USER 14 > (setf my-point (make-instance 'point))
#<POINT 205FA53C>

CL-USER 15 > (type-of my-point)

CL-USER 16 > (defun set-point-values (point x y z)
               (setf (slot-value point 'x) x
                     (slot-value point 'y) y
                     (slot-value point 'z) z))

CL-USER 17 > (set-point-values my-point 3 4 12)

CL-USER 18 > (defun distance-from-origin (point)
               (with-slots (x y z)
                 (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y) (* z z)))))

CL-USER 19 > (distance-from-origin my-point)

CL-USER 20 >

Note the following:

Exercise: Rewrite set-point-values using with-slots.

Exercise: Use symbol-macrolet to implement with-slots. Note that each name listed in the first argument to symbol-macrolet can be replaced by the pair (variable-name slot-name).

Exercise: Write a macro defclass-plus which expands into a defclass plus some or all of the following, in the spirit of defstruct: constructor, predicate, accessors and copier. This may get tedious, in which case convince yourself that you know what you're doing and then stop.

3.3. Classes are instances too

Compare the values returned from the example calls to defstruct (line 1 above) and defclass (line 13). The former doesn't return anything useful, but the latter has returned a lisp object of some sort: #<STANDARD-CLASS POINT 275B78DC>. This object is the class named point. It's a first class object within lisp: an embodiment of a CLOS type. In fact it can be passed as the type argument to typep and subtypep. It's also a CLOS object, which means it must be an instance of a CLOS class, and we can find out what that class is, as in the example below.

CL-USER 20 > (find-class 'point)

CL-USER 21 > (class-name (find-class 'point))

CL-USER 22 > (class-of my-point)

CL-USER 23 > (typep my-point (class-of my-point))

CL-USER 24 > (class-of (class-of my-point))

CL-USER 25 >

The last of these looks a little scary at first. The object my-point is an instance of the class named point; the class named point is itself an instance of the class named standard-class. We say that the class named standard-class is the metaclass (i.e. the class of the class) of my-point.

Notation: describing something as "the class named standard-class" may be correct but it doesn't make for elegant reading. When we refer to "the class standard-class" or even to standard-class, we generally mean the class named by that symbol.

3.4. You don't need CLOS objects to use CLOS

Generously, the functions introduced in the last section also work on lisp objects which are not CLOS instances:

CL-USER 25 > (let ((the-symbol-class (find-class 'symbol)))
               (values the-symbol-class
		       (class-name the-symbol-class)
                       (eq the-symbol-class (class-of 'symbol))
		       (class-of the-symbol-class)))

CL-USER 26 >

Postponing to section 4.5 the question of why this might be useful to us, we see here that lisp symbols are instances of the system class symbol. This is one of 75 cases in which the language requires a class to exist with the same name as the corresponding lisp type. Many of these cases are concerned with CLOS itself (for example, the correspondence between the type standard-class and the CLOS class of that name) or with the condition system (which might or might not be built using CLOS classes in any given implementation). However, 33 correspondences remain relating to "traditional" lisp types:

array hash-table readtable
bit-vector integer real
broadcast-stream list sequence
character logical-pathname   stream
complex null string
concatenated-stream   number string-stream
cons package symbol
echo-stream pathname synonym-stream
file-stream random-state t
float ratio two-way-stream
function rational vector

Note that not all "traditional" lisp types are included in this list. (Consider: atom, fixnum, short-float, and any type not denoted by a symbol.)

The presence of t is interesting. Just as every lisp object is of type t, every lisp object is also a member of the class named t. This is a simple example of membership of more then one class at a time, and it brings into question the issue of inheritance, which we will consider in some detail later (section 3.6).

CL-USER 26 > (find-class t)

CL-USER 27 >

In addition to classes corresponding to lisp types, there is also a CLOS class for every structure type you define:

CL-USER 27 > (defstruct foo)

CL-USER 28 > (class-of (make-foo))

CL-USER 29 >

The metaclass of a structure-object is the class structure-class. It is implementation-dependent whether the metaclass of a "traditional" lisp object is standard-class (as in section 3.3), structure-class, or built-in-class. Restrictions:

built-in-class May not use make-instance, may not use slot-value, may not use defclass to modify, may not create subclasses.
structure-class May not use make-instance, might work with slot-value (implementation-dependent). Use defstruct to subclass application structure types. Consequences of modifying an existing structure-class are undefined: full recompilation may be necessary.
standard-class None of these restrictions.

3.5. Slots

The full syntax for defclass is:

defclass class-name ({superclass-name}*) ({slot-specifier}*) [[class-option]]

We'll discuss the second argument in section 3.6 below. Class-options are outside the scope of this tutorial. In this section, we'll take a look at the slot-specifiers.

In the class definition of point above, each slot was specified simply by its name. We can instead specify a slot thus:

(slot-name [[slot-option]])

Each slot-option consists of a keyword followed by a value. Among the keywords available are the following; you can specify as many or few as you need. Three of these keywords (:accessor, :reader and :initarg) may appear more than once for each slot, if you like.


Defines methods (see section 4 below, think of them as functions for the time being), named by the given value, for reading and modifying the slot. For example, :accessor point-x defines the functions point-x and (setf point-x). Using accessors is a Good Idea, because:

  • you can use them as part of a documented interface without committing yourself to implementing the interface by means of a slot-value access in future;
  • you are rewarded for using them by having code that's simpler and more compact.


Defines a single method for reading the slot; a read-only counterpart to :accessors.


Specifies a keyword which can be used to pass an initial value for this slot to make-instance (an initialization argument).


Specifies a default value for this slot, to be used if no initial value was specified explicitly. This form is evaluated each time it's needed, in the lexical environment of the defclass.


Specifies whether the value of this slot:

  • can be different for each instance of the class (:allocation :instance - the default - resulting in a local slot); or
  • is shared between all instances of the class (:allocation :class - resulting in a class slot).

In the following example, note the following:

CL-USER 29 > (defclass daft-point ()
               ((x :accessor daft-x :initarg :x)
                (y :accessor daft-y :initform 3.14159)
                (z :reader daft-z :allocation :class)))

CL-USER 30 > (setf (slot-value (make-instance 'daft-point) 'z) 42)

CL-USER 31 > (setf my-daft-point (make-instance 'daft-point :x 19))
#<DAFT-POINT 205F264C>

CL-USER 32 > (list (daft-x my-daft-point)
                   (daft-y my-daft-point)
                   (daft-z my-daft-point))
(19 3.14159 42)

CL-USER 33 > (let ((temp (make-instance 'daft-point)))
               (setf (daft-y temp) 999
	             (slot-value temp 'z) 0))

CL-USER 34 > (list (daft-x my-daft-point)
                   (daft-y my-daft-point)
                   (daft-z my-daft-point))
(19 3.14159 0)

CL-USER 35 >

Exercise: Find a defstruct form and "port to CLOS" one of its slot options (or more if they're interesting).

3.6. Subclasses and inheritance

Suppose we want two classes to share behaviour, in the sense that one of them (the subclass) is defined in terms of the other (the superclass). This leads us to the notion of inheritance, common in some form to all object systems.

For example:

CL-USER 35 > (defclass animal ()
               ((legs :reader leg-count :initarg :legs)
                (comes-from :reader comes-from :initarg :comes-from)))

CL-USER 36 > (defclass mammal (animal)
               ((diet :initform 'antelopes :initarg :diet)))

CL-USER 37 > (defclass aardvark (mammal)
               ((cute-p :accessor cute-p :initform nil)))

CL-USER 38 >

In this example, mammal is defined (by line 36) to be a subclass of animal. This means that every instance of mammal is also an instance of animal. If we (make-instance 'mammal), we get an object with three slots: diet which comes directly from the definition of mammal, plus legs and comes-from which are both inherited from the definition of animal.

Similarly, every aardvark is both a mammal and an animal, and has four slots, three of which are inherited from superclasses. Note that the subclass relationship is transitive - aardvark is an (indirect) subclass of animal, via mammal. Therefore you do not need to explicitly list animal as a superclass of aardvark.

Aardvark is a subclass of mammal, which is a subclass of animal

Figure 1. Aardvark is a subclass of mammal which is a subclass of animal. The arrows denote the superclass relationship.

In CLOS, these relationships can be queried by the readers class-direct-superclasses and class-precedence-list. (Implementation note: these two functions are not part of Common Lisp. In LispWorks they're available via your default package-use-list, in Allegro they're exported from ACLMOP. Also in Allegro, you have to have made an instance of aardvark before you can interrogate its precedence list.)

CL-USER 38 > (class-direct-superclasses (find-class 'aardvark))

CL-USER 39 > (class-precedence-list (find-class 'aardvark))

CL-USER 40 >

The class-precedence-list of a class is a list which starts from that class and recursively shows superclasses, in order. The first three elements in the above list come as no surprise but the other two merit brief discussion.

Class precedence for aardvark

Figure 2. Class precedence for aardvark

Now consider this:

CL-USER 40 > (defclass figurine ()
               ((potter :accessor made-by :initarg :made-by)
                (comes-from :initarg :made-in)))

CL-USER 41 > (defclass figurine-aardvark (aardvark figurine)
               ((name :reader aardvark-name :initarg :aardvark-name)
                (diet :initform nil)))

CL-USER 42 >

The class figurine-aardvark here inherits its behaviour from two direct superclasses. Any instance of this class will therefore also be an instance of each of these two classes, and of all their superclasses.

Figurine-aardvark inherits from two direct superclasses

Figure 3. Figurine-aardvark inherits from two direct superclasses

This is called multiple inheritance. It's a terribly useful feature of CLOS. Not all OO systems support it. For example, consider implements in Java, where you can have full inheritance from no more than one superclass and a highly restricted form of inheritance from any others. Multiple inheritance in CLOS is symmetric between as many superclasses as you want to specify. Ensure that the OO system you're using supports full multiple inheritance.

Note that, because every CLOS class inherits from standard-object, a feature of multiple inheritance is the presence of "loops" in the class inheritance diagram. Calculating the precedence list is no longer straightforward (look up topological sorting), but it's worth knowing that the result has to be compatible with (a) the order of explicitly named superclasses and (b) the class precedence lists of all superclasses.

CL-USER 42 > (class-precedence-list (find-class 'figurine-aardvark))

CL-USER 43 >

Let's now turn to look at the slots of figurine-aardvark:

What happens if a slot with some given name appears more than once in the precedence list? The answer is that the subclass ends up with only one slot of that name, and that slot's properties are a combination of the properties of the slots which it inherited. The rules for combining each option are as follows:


CL-USER 43 > (setf Eric (make-instance 'figurine-aardvark
                                       :legs 4
                                       :made-by "Jen"
                                       :made-in "Brittany"
                                       :aardvark-name "Eric"))

CL-USER 44 > (shiftf (cute-p Eric) t)

CL-USER 45 > (slot-value Eric 'diet)

CL-USER 46 >

Be warned that inheritance is fairly easy to misuse, and multiple inheritance is multiply so, so please take a little care. Ask yourself whether foo really wants to inherit from bar, or whether instances of foo want a slot containing a bar. A good general guide is that if foo and bar are "same sort of thing" then it's correct to mix them together by inheritance, but if they're really separate concepts then you should use slots to keep them apart.

For instance, suppose your application wants to draw a picture of a traffic light. The class drawable-traffic-light probably wants to inherit from drawable and to have a slot pointing to each instance's traffic-light. Mixing the classes together with this flashy multiple inheritance stuff will just lead to spaghetti. If following your code depends on an intimate understanding of how topological sorting works, or detailed examination of many classes to figure out why you didn't get the :initform you wanted, then you've overdone it by a long way. Back off.

Exercise: For which features of defstruct have we not yet covered the CLOS counterparts?

Exercise: Take an application which uses structures, rewrite it using defclass, and get it working again.

Exercise: Use your lisp implementation, to take a look at the class-precedence-list of (the class of) nil.

3.7. Changing a class

This section briefly covers two topics: redefinition of an existing class, and changing an instance of one class into an instance of another. In both cases we'll gloss over the details: suffice it to say that they're hairy but everything's configurable.

To redefine a class, simply evaluate a new defclass form. This then takes the place of the old definition, the existing class object is updated, and all instances of the class (and - recursively - its subclasses) are updated to reflect the new definition. For example:

CL-USER 46 > (list Eric (class-of Eric) (slot-exists-p Eric 'has-tail-p))

CL-USER 47 > (defclass animal ()
               ((legs :reader leg-count :initarg :legs)
                (has-tail-p :reader has-tail-p :initform t)
                (comes-from :reader comes-from :initarg :comes-from)))

CL-USER 48 > (list Eric (class-of Eric) (slot-value Eric 'has-tail-p))

CL-USER 49 >

You can redefine classes while an application is running, in just the same way and for the same reasons as you can redefine functions. The great strength of class redefinition though is during application development. For example, you can revisit a class and add a slot or a superclass that you hadn't thought about earlier, without having to recompile anything other than the new defclass, and without invalidating any of your objects.

To change the class of an instance, use change-class:

CL-USER 49 > (defclass antelope (mammal)
               ((diet :reader munched-by)))

CL-USER 50 > (change-class Eric 'antelope
                           :diet 'greens)
#<ANTELOPE 2112B44C>

CL-USER 51 > (list (slot-exists-p Eric 'potter) (munched-by Eric))

CL-USER 52 >

In the above example, a ceramic aardvark has become a graceful Old World ruminant, automatically losing the slot potter and explicitly being put on a healthy diet of greens (among other changes). Leaving aside questions of animal cruelty, this is a powerful feature of CLOS although probably one which you won't use very often.

3.8. Implementation notes: object wrappers

We'll conclude this part of the tutorial by looking at a possible implementation for instances, covering:

This section is extremely implementation-specific, although I have a sneaky feeling that many implementations will have followed a similar route. The examples are for illustrative purposes only.

A wrapper is an internal structure. Every class - including structure-classes and built-in-classes - has a wrapper. The class points to the wrapper and the wrapper points back to the class. Every call to make-instance allocates two new structures: a vector of instance slots and the instance itself. The internal structure of the instance is small: it has two slots, pointing to the wrapper and to the slots vector.

Instance, class and wrapper.

Figure 4. Instance, class and wrapper. The arrows denote the relationship points to.

We can define class-of like this.

(defun class-of (object)
  (if (built-in-object-p object)
      (built-in-class-of object)
    ;; structures wrappers are similar enough to CLOS instances
    (wrapper-class (instance-wrapper object))))

The wrapper has the following slots (note the absence of pointers from the wrapper to the instance):

(Implementation note: the function wrapper-of below is not part of Common Lisp. In Allegro it's in the EXCL package.)

CL-USER 52 > (clos::wrapper-of Eric)

CL-USER 53 >

An implementation of slot-value might take the following lines, if it weren't for issues of inefficiency and - in particular - several failures to follow the CLOS API which we won't go into here.

(defun slot-value (instance slot-name)
  (validate-instance instance)                   ; See below
  (let* ((wrapper (instance-wrapper instance))
         (local-slot-names (wrapper-local-slot-names wrapper))
         (local-position (position slot-name local-slot-names))
         (value (if local-position
                    ;; It's a local slot.
                    (let ((local-slots (instance-slots instance)))
                      (svref local-slots local-position))
                  (let* ((shared-slots (wrapper-shared-slots wrapper))
                         (shared-slot (assoc slot-name shared-slots)))
                    (if shared-slot
                        ;; It's a class slot.
                        (cdr shared-slot)
		      ;; It's not a slot of this instance.
                      (slot-missing-error instance slot-name))))))
    (if (eq value (the-unbound-slot-value))
        ;; The slot-value has not yet been set. Always an error in CLOS.
        (slot-unbound-error instance slot-name)

If a class is redefined it gets a new wrapper with a new cache-number, and reflecting the new slot layout. The cache-number of the old wrapper is zeroed (this marks the wrapper as invalidated). Nothing else is done at this stage. CLOS doesn't require instances to be updated until they're "touched" by the application. A class could therefore be updated several times without any work having to be done on its instances.

Invalid instance, class, new and old wrappers.

Figure 5. "Invalid" instance, class, new and old wrappers. The greyed-out strutures have been updated.

Every time the application accesses an instance - for example in the definition of slot-value above - the CLOS system needs to know whether that instance has been invalidated, and this check must be cheap because it's going to happen often. In practice, validate-instance and everything it calls, except the revalidation function, would be implemented as macros or inlined functions to keep the overheads down.

(defun validate-instance (instance)
  (let ((wrapper (instance-wrapper instance)))
    (when (zerop (wrapper-cache-number wrapper))
      ;; Instance needs revalidation
      (revalidate-instance instance))))

Revalidation is a laborious process, but the general plan is clear enough: you follow the chain of pointers through to the new slot-layout, compare it with the old layout, and build a new slots vector using the new description and as many of the old values as are still valid. The instance is left pointing to its fresh slot vector and the new class wrapper.

Final notes:

4. Methods

4.1. Review - the non-OO approach

The step up from functions to methods parallels the move from structures to instances.

Suppose we want to implement our own - simplified - version of describe:

CL-USER 53 > (defun my-describe (thing)
               (typecase thing
                 (cons   (describe-cons thing))
                 (symbol (describe-symbol thing))
                 (array  (describe-array thing))
                 (number (describe-number thing))
                 ;; [ etc etc etc ]
                 (t      (describe-whatever thing))))

CL-USER 54 > (defun describe-symbol (symbol)
               (let ((package (symbol-package symbol))
                     (boundp (boundp symbol)))
                 (format t
                         "~s is a symbol. ~
      It ~:[~*does not have a home~;is in the ~s~] package. ~
      Its value is ~:[unbound~;~s~]."
                         package (when package (package-name package))
                         boundp (when boundp (symbol-value symbol)))))

CL-USER 55 > (my-describe :foo)
:FOO is a symbol. It is in the "KEYWORD" package. Its value is :FOO.

CL-USER 56 > (my-describe '#:foo)
#:FOO is a symbol. It does not have a home package. Its value is unbound.

CL-USER 57 >

There are a number of problems with this:

4.2. Introducing the macro defmethod

The defining macro for controlling type-based discrimination in CLOS is defmethod. An example:

CL-USER 57 > (fmakunbound 'my-describe)

CL-USER 58 > (defmethod my-describe (thing)
               (format t
                       "~s could be anything, for all I care."

CL-USER 59 > (defmethod my-describe ((animal animal))
               (format t
                       "~s is an animal. It has ~d leg~:p ~
                        and comes from ~a."
                       (leg-count animal)
                       (comes-from animal)))

CL-USER 60 > (my-describe Eric)
#<ANTELOPE 2112B44C> is an animal. It has 4 legs and comes from Brittany.

CL-USER 61 > (my-describe (make-instance 'figurine))
#<FIGURINE 205FFD14> could be anything, for all I care.

CL-USER 62 >

The defmethod form looks like - and is similar to - a defun. It associates a body of code with the function name my-describe but - unlike an ordinary function - that body may only be executed if the types of the arguments match the pattern declared by the lambda list.

Note that the syntax for invoking a method is precisely the same as the syntax for invoking an ordinary function. You cannot tell from the calling code (e.g. lines 60 and 61 above) whether the call is to an ordinary function or a CLOS method. You can call methods from ordinary functions, and ordinary functions from methods, and generally mix them together.

Moving onto the defmethod form itself, the way that pattern matching works is that the required parameters in the method's lambda list may take one of the following two forms: variable or (variable specializer). In the first case, variable is bound to the corresponding argument value as usual. However in the latter case, variable is bound to the corresponding argument only if that argument is of class specializer (or a subclass). If any argument fails to match its specializer then the method is not applicable and it cannot be executed with those arguments.

You can define any number of methods with the same function name but with different specializers. The system chooses the most specific applicable method - that is, the applicable method whose specializers are nearest to the head of the class-precedence-list corresponding to each argument - and executes its body.

In the above example, we defined two methods on my-describe. The first one does not specialize on its argument and so that method is always applicable. The second method specializes its argument on the class animal, and so is applicable only if this argument is an animal.

In line 60 we describe an animal. Both methods are applicable. How does the system choose which one to invoke?

CL-USER 62 > (mapcar 'class-name
                     (class-precedence-list (class-of Eric)))

CL-USER 63 >

The specialized method is more specific because its specializer appears earlier in the precedence list than that of the unqualified (or default) method: animal precedes t. Another way of expressing this is that the specialized method overrides the unqualified one.

In line 61 we describe a figurine. This time only one of the two methods is applicable, because the class figurine is not a subclass of animal.

This matching process has two consequences:


Exercise: All CLOS objects are printed by a method on print-object, whose arguments are (object stream). Define methods for printing aardvarks and antelopes more interestingly than by the default method. How might the default method (for printing a standard-object) be defined?

Exercise (in which I am indebted to Steve Haflich for his clarifications): Consider the following code and form unassailable opinions as to the circumstances in which a compiler might be entitled to eliminate either of the tests in the method body.

(defclass frob (standard-object) ())

(defmethod foo ((baz frob))
   (loop initially (mangle)
      while baz do
         (etypecase baz
            (frob (setf baz (bar baz)))))))

4.3. Generic functions and next methods

A generic function is a lisp function which is associated with a set of methods and dispatches them when it's invoked. All the methods with the same function name belong to the same generic function.

The first time we defined a method on my-describe, we implicitly created a generic function with that name. The generic function initially had a single method, until we added a second method with the same name.

(Implementation note: the functions generic-function-methods and method-generic-function below are not part of Common Lisp. In LispWorks they're available via your default package-use-list, in Allegro they're exported from ACLMOP.)

CL-USER 63 > #'my-describe

CL-USER 64 > (generic-function-methods #'my-describe)

CL-USER 65 > (method-generic-function (car *))

CL-USER 66 >

Some notes:

When a generic function is invoked, the dispatch mechanism proceeds as follows:

  1. compute the list of applicable methods;

  2. if no method is applicable then signal an error;

  3. sort the applicable methods in order of specificity;

  4. invoke the most specific method.

During the execution of a method, the remaining applicable methods are still accessible, via the local function call-next-method. This function has lexical scope within the body of a method but indefinite extent. It invokes the next most specific method, and returns whatever value that method returned. It can be called with either:

Calling call-next-method when there is no next method signals an error. You can find out whether a next method exists by calling the local function next-method-p (which also has has lexical scope and indefinite extent).

CL-USER 66 > (defmethod my-describe ((antelope antelope))
               (if (string= (slot-value antelope 'comes-from)
                   (format t "Eric? Is that you?")

CL-USER 67 > (my-describe
              (make-instance 'antelope :comes-from 'nowhere :legs 4))
#<ANTELOPE 205ECB64> is an animal. It has 4 legs and comes from NOWHERE.

CL-USER 68 > (my-describe Eric)
Eric? Is that you?

CL-USER 69 >

Note finally that the body of every method establishes a block with the same name as the method's generic function. If you return-from that name you are exiting the current method, not the call to the enclosing generic function.

Exercise: Use your lisp implementation, to take a look at the class-precedence-list of generic functions.

Exercise: When you evaluate (comes-from Eric), from which class is the reader inherited? Override this method, so that Antelopes always come from Africa. (This isn't true, but it's an improvement.)

Exercise: Experiment with the indefinite extent of call-next-method.

4.4. In OO languages the functionality lives in the object

This preposterous claim is the product of a diseased imagination. However many OO systems feel obliged to try and enforce it. Try to avoid having to program in one of these.

As far as CLOS is concerned, the truth is that - with the exception of slot accessors - all of your application's functionality lives in function and method definitions, not in classes.

It's sometimes appropriate to place methods applicable to some class into the same file as that class. It's sometimes appropriate to place all the methods of a generic function into a single file. There are no language constraints on this.

Hand in hand with the title of this section comes the notion of message passing. This derives from OO systems which only allow you to specialize on the first argument. This argument is then given linguistic prominence, and the function call is given a new syntax to reflect that:


You'd read that as send the message my-describe to Eric (in this case with no additional arguments). C++ is an obvious culprit: Eric::my_describe();

CLOS supports multi-methods - methods that can specialize on more than one argument. Although you might not use that much, it's liberating. Not only does it free you from the truly horrid code you can end up with as programmers struggle to get around the restrictions of the message-passing paradigm, but it implies that methods don't have to live inside classes. (If a method specializes on two classes, which one would it live in?) A consequence is that you can redefine one of your methods without having to recompile the class and with it 500 other methods. That's nice.

A stylistic note: there's an occasional tendency, maybe borrowed from languages which don't support multi-methods, to call "the" specialized argument self:

(defmethod wibble ((self aardvark) ...) ...)

If the methods of a generic function only specialize on the same argument, this is no better or worse than calling arguments after the class they specialize:

(defmethod wibble ((aardvark aardvark) ...) ...)

Do whatever makes your code clearer.

Exercise: Lisp's describe is implemented by the generic function describe-object. Implementations are expected to define sufficient methods (and users are encouraged to add more if they like), specializing on the two arguments object and stream. Discuss whether the implementors should group all the methods on describe-object into one file, or spread them around (so that - for instance a method specializing on aardvarks should be in the file "aardvark.lisp" along with the class definition and other methods). What are the issues?

Exercise: Find some excuse to specialize a method on its second argument, or on more than one argument.

4.5. Other specializers (you still don't need CLOS objects to use CLOS)

The examples of methods shown so far all specialize on standard-classes. That isn't necessary. You can specialize on any CLOS class: for example the system classes listed near the top of section 3.4, or any structure class.

CL-USER 69 > (defmethod my-describe ((self structure-object))
               (format t "~s is a structure object."

CL-USER 70 > (my-describe (make-foo))
#S(FOO) is a structure object.

CL-USER 71 > (defmethod my-describe ((self foo))
               (format t "bar"))

CL-USER 72 > (my-describe (make-foo))

CL-USER 73 >

You can use methods in your code without ever defining a CLOS class, just as you can use CLOS classes without a single defmethod. These two parts of CLOS are independent - think of them as two object systems for the price of one.

Another form of specializer, which will occasionally be useful, is known as an eql specializer. In this case, the specializing class name is replaced by a list whose first element is the symbol eql and whose second value is any lisp form. That form is evaluated at the same time as the defmethod. In order for the method to be applicable, the corresponding argument must be eql to the result of that evaluation. An eql method is more specific than one specializing on classes.

CL-USER 73 > (defmethod my-describe ((self (eql pi)))
               (format t "approximately 22/7"))
#<STANDARD-METHOD MY-DESCRIBE NIL ((EQL 3.141592653589793)) 2060E57C>

CL-USER 74 > (defmethod my-describe ((self float))
                (format t "some float"))

CL-USER 75 > (my-describe pi)
approximately 22/7

CL-USER 76 >

Exercise: Write a method on my-describe for lists.

Exercise: Write a method on print-object for Eric the antelope. Change the class-of Eric. Do you expect your method to still be applicable?

4.6. Qualifiers and method combination

Let's start with a word of warning. Reckless use of method combination can - like an unfettered hand with multiple inheritance - tangle your code beyond recognition.

The full syntax for defmethod is:

defmethod function-name {method-qualifier}* specialized-lambda-list
          [[declaration* | documentation]] form*

We're only going to look here at the default, or standard method combination. (Other method combinations are available, and you can even define your own but I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who did.) With standard method combination, no more than one method qualifier is permitted per method, and if present is must be one of the following keywords: :before, :after and :around. The methods without a qualifier are known as primary methods. The full dispatch mechanism for generic functions is as follows; note that :before and :after methods are only run for their side effects.

  1. compute the applicable methods, and partition them into separate lists according to their qualifier;

  2. if there is no applicable primary method then signal an error;

  3. sort each of the lists into order of specificity;

  4. execute the most specific :around method and return whatever that returns;

  5. if an :around method invokes call-next-method, execute the next most specific :around method;

  6. if there were no :around methods in the first place, or if an :around method invokes call-next-method but there are no further :around methods to call, then proceed as follows:

    1. run all the :before methods, in order, ignoring any return values and not permitting calls to call-next-method or next-method-p;

    2. execute the most specific primary method and return whatever that returns;

    3. if a primary method invokes call-next-method, execute the next most specific primary method;

    4. if a primary method invokes call-next-method but there are no further primary methods to call then signal an error;

    5. after the primary method(s) have completed, run all the :after methods, in reverse order, ignoring any return values and not permitting calls to call-next-method or next-method-p.

If you think all this looks insanely complicated, you're probably right. Think of it as an onion, with all the :around methods in the outermost layer, :before and :after methods in the middle layer, and primary methods on the inside. Be grateful there are only three layers. To make the model work, it helps conceptually to pair :before and :after methods like this:

(defmethod spong :before-and-after (&rest args)
  (let ((before (find-method #'spong '(:before) args))
        (after  (find-method #'spong '(:after) args)))
    (when before (invoke-method before args))
      (when after (invoke-method after args)))))

Note how this gives us a reversed order for :after methods. This happens quite naturally, which might explain why the reversal was specified in the first place.

In real life (you hope) the situation won't get that complicated. A simple example: my-describe suppressing return values.

CL-USER 76 > (defmethod my-describe :around (self)

CL-USER 77 > (my-describe Eric)
Eric? Is that you?

CL-USER 78 >

Another example: The CLOS implementation of make-instance is in two stages: allocate the new object, and then pass it along with all the make-instance keyword arguments, to the generic function initialize-instance. Implementors and application writers define :after methods on initialize-instance, to initialize the slots of the instance. The system-supplied primary method does this with regard to (a) :initform and :initarg values supplied with the class was defined and (b) the keywords passed through from make-instance. Other methods can extend this behaviour as they see fit. For example, they might accept an additional keyword which invokes a database access to fill certain slots. The lambda list for initialize-instance is:

initialize-instance instance &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys

Exercise: Add an :after method to initialize-instance to make all aardvarks come from Cambridge, England. Add another method (qualified how?) to prohibit the following interaction:

(make-instance 'cannibal :diet (make-instance 'cannibal))

Exercise: You might choose to regard initialize-instance as a souped-up analogue of the constructors offered by other OO systems. But CLOS doesn't offer a destructor. Should this matter?

4.7. Implementation notes: generic function dispatch

Computing, sorting and executing a list of applicable methods are time-consuming operations. An implementation will typically want to cache its results and reuse them as often - but as cheaply - as possible. An implementor once told me that his aim was to make "best case" generic function dispatch no more than three times slower than calling an ordinary function.

The method cache cannot be calculated in advance, because (a) we typically don't know what arguments might be passed to the generic function in future and (b) there are so many classes in the system that the cache might be enormous, particularly if the generic function specializes on more than one argument. Therefore the cache has to be augmented on the fly as the application runs.

The following strategies might be useful:

The assumption behind the fast-lookup cache is that any given call to a generic function is likely to have arguments of the same class as one of the last few calls. This cache is responsible for the "no more than three times slower" property mentioned above, and so has to be very fast indeed. A possible implementation is as a flat vector, using the following lookup scheme. Note that this scheme does not allocate.

  1. Obtain the wrapper of the first specialized argument (recall: wrappers are associated with all lisp objects, not just CLOS instances). For CLOS or structure objects this is very fast, for built-in objects it's worth optimizing.

  2. Validate the wrapper (so the cache-number will be up to date).

  3. Fetch the wrapper's cache-number, divide it by the length of the cache vector, and take the remainder.

  4. Use this value as an index into the cache. If the value in the cache at that location is the wrapper in question, we look at the next location and compare that with the wrapper of the next specialized argument, and so on until we've matched all the arguments against wrappers in the cache. If we get that far, we look one location further on still and there we hope to find the combined method.

  5. If any of the above failed, we have a cache miss. Go to the list of classes and combined methods in the main cache and use assoc to locate the combined method. (If this too fails, calculate the combined method - at this point we have to bite the bullet and allocate - and add it to the slow cache.) Write the argument wrappers and combined method into the fast cache.

To discuss over dinner: How large do you think the fast-lookup cache should be?

To discuss over dinner: How might an implementation optimize the process of obtaining the wrappers of built-in objects (such as numbers and strings)? Answers involving assoc on the type, or typecase, are incorrect.

To discuss over dinner: How might the above be modified to take account of eql methods?

A. References

[Graham 1995] "ANSI Common Lisp"; Paul Graham; Prentice Hall; 1995; ISBN 0133708756. See http://www.paulgraham.com/acl.html
[Keene 1989] "Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp"; Sonya E. Keene; Addison-Wesley; 1989; ISBN 0201175894.
[Kiczales et al 1991] "The Art of the Metaobject Protocol"; Gregor Kiczales, Jim des Rivières, Daniel G. Bobrow; MIT Press; 1991; ISBN 0262610744.
[Pitman 1996] "The Common Lisp Hyperspec"; Kent M. Pitman (editor); 1996. Available online at http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Front/index.htm
[Steele 1990] "Common Lisp the Language, 2nd edition"; Guy L. Steele Jr.; Digital Press; 1990; ISBN 1555580416. Available online at http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/cltl/cltl2.html

B. Document History

2003-07-15 NDL Placeholder document created.
2003-08-13 NDL Drafting started.
2003-08-26 NDL First draft complete.
2003-09-01 NDL Corrections following review.

C. Partial class hierarchy

Partial class hierarchy.

Figure 6. Partial class hierarchy. The arrows denote the superclass relationship. All classes are instances of standard-class, apart from t and function which are instances of built-in-class and generic-function which is an instance of funcallable-standard-class.

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