The Common Lisp Cookbook - Functions


Functions that return functions

"How do I write a function that returns a function?" is a typical question asked by people who have learned Scheme before they started with Common Lisp. In Scheme, they were accustomed to be able to do things like this:
==> (define (adder n) (lambda (x) (+ x n)))

==> ((adder 3) 5)

==> (define (doubler f) (lambda (x) (f x x)))

==> ((doubler +) 4)
This can of course be done in Common Lisp, but the syntax and the semantics are different. The first step, creating a function that returns a function, looks very similar apart from minor syntactical conventions, but what happens behind the scenes is different:
* (defun adder (n)
    (lambda (x) (+ x n)))
Here we have defined the function ADDER which returns an object of type FUNCTION. To create such an object you'll have to use the special operator FUNCTION and apply it to a lambda expression. (FUNCTION form) may be abbreviated as #'form. In our example above we used a shorthand notation provided by the macro LAMBDA. Without this little bit of syntactical sugar we would have to write it as
* (defun adder (n)
    #'(lambda (x) (+ x n)))
* (defun adder (n)
    (function (lambda (x) (+ x n))))
No matter how we write it, ADDER will now return a function whenever we call it. But we can't use it in the same way we would use it in Scheme:
;;; continued from above
* (adder 3)
#<Interpreted Function "LAMBDA (N)" {485FFE81}>

* ((adder 3) 5)
In: (ADDER 3) 5
  ((ADDER 3) 5)
Error: Illegal function call.
Here is why: CL has different namespaces for functions and variables, i.e. the same name can refer to different things depending on it's position in a form that's evaluated:
* (boundp 'foo)
* (fboundp 'foo)
* (defparameter foo 42)
* foo
* (boundp 'foo)
* (fboundp 'foo)
* (defun foo (x) (* x x))
* (fboundp 'foo)
* foo            ;;; ***
* (foo 3)        ;;; +++
* (foo foo)
* (function foo)
#<Interpreted Function FOO {48523CC1}>
* #'foo
#<Interpreted Function FOO {48523CC1}>
* (let ((+ 3))
    (+ + +))
To simplify a bit, you can think of each symbol in CL having (at least) two "cells" in which information is stored. One cell - sometimes referred to as its value cell - can hold a value that is bound to this symbol, and you can use BOUNDP to test whether the symbol is bound to a value (in the global environment). You can access the value cell of a symbol with SYMBOL-VALUE.

The other cell - sometimes referred to as its function cell - can hold the definition of the symbol's (global) function binding. In this case, the symbol is said to be fbound to this definition. You can use FBOUNDP to test whether a symbol is fbound. You can access the function cell of a symbol (in the global environment) with SYMBOL-FUNCTION.

Now, if a symbol is evaluated, it is treated as a variable in that it's value cell is returned - see the line marked with *** above. If a compound form, i.e. a cons, is evaluated and its car is a symbol, then the function cell of this symbol is used - see the line marked +++ above.

In Common Lisp, as opposed to Scheme, it is not possible that the car of the compound form to be evaluated is an arbitrary form. If it is not a symbol, it must be a lambda expression, which looks like

(lambda lambda-list form*)
This explains the error message we got above - (ADDER 3) is neither a symbol nor a lambda expression. But, you might ask, how do we use the function object that is returned by ADDER? The answer is: Use FUNCALL or APPLY:
;;; continued from above
* (funcall (adder 3) 5)
* (apply (adder 3) '(5))
* (defparameter *my-fun* (adder 3))
* *my-fun*
#<Interpreted Function "LAMBDA (N)" {486468C9}>
* (funcall *my-fun* 5)
* (*my-fun* 5)
Warning: This function is undefined:
Note that in the last example the function object returned by (ADDER 3) is stored in the value cell of *MY-FUN* - thus the error message. If we want to be able to use the symbol *MY-FUN* in the car of a compound form, we have to explicitely store something in its function cell (which is normally done for us by the macro DEFUN):
;;; continued from above
* (fboundp '*my-fun*)
* (setf (symbol-function '*my-fun*) (adder 3))
#<Interpreted Function "LAMBDA (N)" {4869FA19}>
* (fboundp '*my-fun*)
* (*my-fun* 5)
Now we are ready do define DOUBLER as well:
* (defun doubler (f)
    (lambda (x) (funcall f x x)))
* (doubler #'+)
#<Interpreted Function "LAMBDA (F)" {48675791}>
* (doubler '+)
#<Interpreted Function "LAMBDA (F)" {486761B1}>
* (funcall (doubler #'+) 4)
* (funcall (doubler '+) 4)
* (defparameter *my-plus* '+)
* (funcall (doubler *my-plus*) 4)
* (defparameter *my-fun* (doubler '+))
* (funcall *my-fun* 4)
Note that the argument to FUNCALL (and APPLY) can either be the function itself, i.e. #'+, or a symbol which has the function in its function cell (is fbound to the function), i.e. '+.

All of the above is extremely simplified - we haven't even mentioned macros, special forms, symbol macros, self-evaluating objects, and lexical environments. Read the CLHS section about Form Evaluation for the real deal.

Currying functions

A related concept is that of currying which you might be familiar with if you're coming from a functional language. After we've read the last section that's rather easy to implement:
* (declaim (ftype (function (function &rest t) function) curry)
           (inline curry))
* (defun curry (function &rest args)
    (lambda (&rest more-args)
      (apply function (append args more-args))))
* (funcall (curry #'+ 3) 5)
* (funcall (curry #'+ 3) 6)
* (setf (symbol-function 'power-of-ten) (curry #'expt 10))
* (power-of-ten 3)
Note that the DECLAIM statement above is just a hint for the compiler so it can produce more efficient code if it so wishes. Leaving it out won't change the semantics of the function.

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