The Common Lisp Cookbook - Miscellaneous


Re-using complex data structures

Sometimes you want your functions to behave in a 'functional' way, i.e. return fresh results without side effects, sometimes you want them to re-use and modify existing data in a destructive way - consider the difference between APPEND and NCONC for an example.

Well, you can have your cake and eat it too, by using optional (or keyword) parameters. Here's an example: Let's assume you're writing a function COMPLEX-MATRIX-STUFF which takes two matrices M1 and M2 as its arguments and computes and returns a resulting matrix the size of which depends on M1 and M2, i.e. for a fresh result you'll need an empty matrix which'll be created by, say, (MAKE-APPROPRIATE-RESULT-MATRIX-FOR M1 M2).

The classical textbook way to implement this function will more or less look like this:

(defun complex-matrix-stuff (m1 m2)
  (let ((result (make-appropriate-result-matrix-for m1 m2)))
    ;; ... compute storing the results in RESULT
And you'll use it like this:
(setq some-matrix (complex-matrix-stuff A B))
But why not write it like so:
(defun complex-matrix-stuff (m1 m2
                              (make-appropriate-result-matrix-for m1 m2)))
  ;; ... compute storing the results in RESULT
Now you have it both ways. You can still "make up results" on the fly as in:
(setq some-matrix (complex-matrix-stuff A B))
But you can also (destructively) re-use previously allocated matrices:
(complex-matrix-stuff A B some-appropriate-matrix-I-built-before)
Or use your function like this:
(setq some-other-matrix
        (complex-matrix-stuff A B some-appropriate-matrix-I-built-before))
in which case you'll end up with:
* (eq some-other-matrix some-appropriate-matrix-I-built-before)


Using ADJUST-ARRAY instead of consing up new sequences with SUBSEQ

Most CL functions operating on sequences will accept START and END keywords so you can make them operate on a sub-sequence without actually creating it, i.e. instead of
(count #\a (subseq long-string from to))
you should of course use
(count #\a long-string :start from :end to)
which'll yield the same result but not create an unnecessary intermediate sub-sequence.

However, sometimes it looks like you can't avoid creating new data. Consider a hash table the keys of which are strings. If the key you're looking for is a sub-string of another string you'll most likely end up with

(gethash (subseq original-string from to)
But you don't have to. You can create one displaced string and reuse it multiple times with ADJUST-ARRAY:
(let ((substring (make-array 0
                             :element-type 'character
                             :displaced-to ""
                             :displaced-index-offset 0)))
  ;; more code
   (adjust-array substring (- to from)
                 :displaced-to original-string
                 :displaced-index-offset from)
  ;; even more code

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