Hiding data structures in the next strategy Metz discusses in Chapter 2. Just as hiding instance variables with accessors, is a good idea, we’ll see how hiding data structures also makes your code more flexible. Again we’ll adapt the sample code to Common Lisp and see how these principles work in CLOS.

Here is one of Metz’s examples, a class whose objects must be initialized with an array of two member arrays.

class ObscuringReferences
  attr_reader :data

  def initialize(data)
    @data = data

  def diameters
    # 0 is rim, 1 is tire
    data.collect {|cell|
      cell[0] + (cell[1] * 2)}

Here the diameters methods must know about the array’s structure as it loops over it.

Here’s a quick pass at implementing it in Common Lisp.

(defclass obscuring-references ()
 (data :reader data :initarg data))
(defmethod diameters ((o-ref obscuring-references))
  (map 'list (lambda (wheel)
               (destructuring-bind (rim tire) wheel
                 (+ rim (* tire 2))))
       (data o-ref)))

This may not seem so bad at first, since DESTRUCTURING-BIND allows us to create structural references on the fly, and it’s also useful in the “code as documentation” sense, but the references are only useful in that one place. As Metz discusses, this code is vulnerable to future changes in the initializing structure. Ultimately we want to create a class and set up objects that be more flexibly adapted.

Metz suggests thinking about how to take structure and give it labels, and interface that can be used, while hiding the structure, like this:

class RevealingReferences
  attr_reader :wheels

  def initialize(data)
    @wheels = wheelify(data)

  def diameters
    wheels.collect {|wheel|
      wheel.rim + (wheel.tire * 2)}

  Wheel = Struct.new(:rim, :tire)
  def wheelify(data)
    data.collect {|cell|
      Wheel.new(cell[0], cell[1])}

In Common Lisp we might do it like this:

(defclass revealing-references ()
  ((wheels :reader wheels :initarg :wheels)))
(defstruct (wheel (:conc-name Nil)) rim tire)
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((o-ref revealing-references) &key wheels)
  (setf (slot-value o-ref 'wheels)
        (map 'list (lambda (wheel)
                     (destructuring-bind (rim tire) wheel
                       (make-wheel :rim rim :tire tire)))
(defmethod diameters ((o-ref revealing-references))
  (map 'list (lambda (wheel)
               (with-accessors ((rim rim) (tire tire)) wheel
                 (+ rim (* tire 2))))
       (wheels o-ref)))

We’re still using DESTRUCTURING-BIND but now it’s in the specialized INITIALIZE-INSTANCE :AFTER method. This will transparently create a list of WHEEL structures with RIM and TIRE accessors. The diameters method just has to roll over the wheel objects and use the accessors.

In Ruby the Struct class is more like a Common Lisp class, a basic structure which provides accessors. You can add other methods to it easily enough, and, of course you can lisp too. Here’s what we should do in Common Lisp to isolate the diameter calculating functionality

(defmethod diameter ((wheel wheel))
  (with-accessors ((rim rim) (tire tire)) wheel
    (+ rim (* tire 2))))
(defmethod diameters ((o-ref revealing-references))
  (map 'list 'diameter (wheels o-ref)))

Common Lisp structs are optimized but if you want turn the wheel into a class, now you can. The interface is stable. Lets look at the wheel class.

(defclass wheel ()
  ((rim  :reader rim  :initarg :rim)
   (tire :reader tire :initarg :tire)))

The DIAMETER method stays the same as above, lets bring back the GEAR class and RATIO method.

(defclass gear ()
  ((cog       :reader cog       :initarg :cog)
   (chainring :reader chainring :initarg :chainring)))

(defmethod ratio ((gear gear))
  (with-accessors ((cog cog) (chainring chainring)) gear
    (/ chainring (float cog))))

In Common Lisp we don’t have to figure out whether a gear should belong to a wheel or a wheel have a gear. We can write a method for both.

(defmethod gear-inches ((wheel wheel) (gear gear))
  (* (ratio gear) (diameter wheel)))

This chapter has been about isolating responsibilities in your code. The GEAR and WHEEL classs and methods are pretty much down to a single responsibility. There’s still more to learn, and in POODR chapter 3 we learn about “Managing Dependencies”. We’ve already avoided one dependency, by using multiple-dispatch with our GEAR-INCHES method, but there’s some other dependencies worth considering next.

