Chapter 6 of POODR discusses inheritance of class properties. You can define subclasses whose objects have all the properties of their superclasses plus whatever other properties we define for them. Subclasses are specialized, more concrete versions of their more general, more abstract superclasses.

In the code for POODR chapter 6, Metz approaches strategies for designing inheritable classes starting with a concrete Bicycle class. It begins as a class of road bikes and progressively gets abstracted to provide an abstract class for road, mountain, and recumbent bikes. I’ve translated the examples into Common Lisp and discussed how to refactor them.

Here is a BICYCLE class based on the Ruby version from page 107.

(defclass bicycle ()
  ((size       :reader size       :initarg :size)
   (tape-color :reader tape-color :initarg :tape-color)
   (spares     :reader spares)))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((b bicycle) &key)
  (with-slots (spares tape-color) b
    (setf spares
          (list :chain "10-speed"
                :tire-size "23" ;millimeters
                :tape-color tape-color))))

I decided the best way to implement the Ruby spares method for this example as a slot which gets initialized with an INITIALIZE-INSTANCE :AFTER method. I feel this is the most appropriate way to capture the value of the TAPE-COLOR slot to make sure it’s shared in the value for SPARES. It works equivalently to the Ruby examples.

CL-USER> (let ((bike (make-instance 'bicycle :tape-color "red" :size "M")))
            (size bike)
            (spares bike)))
(:CHAIN "10-speed" :TIRE-SIZE "23" :TAPE-COLOR "red")

Every child class of bicycle is going to inherit these features. If we wanted to extend this class to cover mountain bikes and proceeded in the naivest way possible, we might end up with something like this:

(defclass bicycle ()
  ((style       :reader style       :initarg :style)
   (size        :reader size        :initarg :size)
   (tape-color  :reader tape-color  :initarg :tape-color)
   (front-shock :reader front-shock :initarg :front-shock)
   (rear-shock  :reader rear-shock  :initarg :rear-shock)
   (spares      :reader spares)))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((b bicycle) &key)
  (with-slots (style spares tape-color rear-shock) b
    (setf spares
          (if (eq style 'road)
               :chain "10-speed"
               :tire-size "23" ;millimeters
               :tape-color (tape-color b))
               :chain "10-speed"
               :tire-size "2.1" ;inches
               :rear-shock (rear-shock b))))))

We shouldn’t mock this code. The constraints of the professional world are sometimes cruel, so I’m sure there are many professionals who knew better, but have done worse. I’ve added slots for mountain bike parts and a style option to select on appropriate settings for the the SPARES slot.

However, the specifications recognize two kinds of bicycle with disjoint properties. TAPE-COLOR is just as irrelevant to the MOUNTAIN style as FRONT-SHOCK and REAR-SHOCK are to ROAD style, but every object will have those slots regardless. STYLE is only useful for deciding what SPARES will be.

It works.

CL-USER> (let ((bike (make-instance 'bicycle
                                    :style 'mountain
                                    :size "S"
                                    :front-shock "Manitou"
                                    :rear-shock "Fox")))
            (spares bike))
(:CHAIN "10-speed" :TIRE-SIZE "2.1" :REAR-SHOCK "Fox")

But that doesn’t make it right.

We should proceed a little more reasonably, setting up a separate MOUNTAIN-BIKE class that inherits from bicycle.

(defclass mountain-bike (bicycle)
  ((front-shock :reader front-shock :initarg :front-shock)
   (rear-shock :reader rear-shock :initarg :rear-shock)))

Now we have to look carefully at the remaining slots to separate what would be specific to a ROAD-BIKE class and what is common to both. Metz discussed how to perform this analysis better than I could. But we end up with code like this:

(defclass bicycle ()
  ((size   :reader size :initarg :size)
   (spares :reader spares)))

(defclass road-bike (bicycle)
  ((tape-color :reader tape-color :initarg :tape-color)))

Every bicycle class has SIZE and SPARES slots, but ROAD-BIKE and MOUNTAIN-BIKE have additional slots specific and appropriate to them. To decide spares for ROAD-BIKE and MOUNTAIN-BIKE we can trivially adapt the original implementation of INITIALIZE-INSTANCE :AFTER for BICYCLE.

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((rb road-bike) &key)
  (with-slots (spares tape-color) rb
    (setf spares
          (list :chain "10-speed"
                :tire-size "23" ;millimeters
                :tape-color tape-color))))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((mb mountain-bike) &key)
  (with-slots (spares rear-shock) mb
    (setf spares
           :chain "10-speed"
           :tire-size "2.1" ;inches
           :rear-shock rear-shock))))

If you have been evaluating this code as we go along, you will also need to remove the INITIALIZE-INSTANCE :AFTER method for BICYCLE we defined earlier.

(remove-method #'initialize-instance
               (find-method #'initialize-instance
                            (list :after)
                            (list (find-class 'bicycle))))

This implementation demonstrates a classic model of inheritance between a superclass and two subclasses. It also demonstrates an appropriate initialization method which sets up slot-values which depend on other slot values. We can expect it work but lets try it out:

CL-USER> (let ((rb (make-instance 'road-bike :size "M" :tape-color "red"))
               (mb (make-instance 'mountain-bike :size "S"
                                  :front-shock "Manitou"
                                  :rear-shock "Fox")))
            (size rb)
            (spares rb)
            (size mb)
            (spares mb)))
(:CHAIN "10-speed" :TIRE-SIZE "23" :TAPE-COLOR "red")
(:CHAIN "10-speed" :TIRE-SIZE "2.1" :REAR-SHOCK "Fox")

Careful readers of the INITITIALIZE-INSTANCE :AFTER methods have perhaps thought that our BICYCLE superclass is missing some slots, which means that our subclasses are also missing them. Lets redefine BICYCLE with CHAIN and TIRE-SIZE slots.

(defclass bicycle ()
  ((size :reader size :initarg :size)
   (chain :reader chain :initarg :chain)
   (tire-size :reader tire-size :initarg :tire-size)
   (spares :reader spares)))

Several complications arise. We’re going to want to setup SPARES with the appropriate values for the subclass of bikes. It would also be nice to setup default values for the new slots too. Some defaults are appropriate for all bike types, but some are appropriate to the subclasses.

We have options. One is to setup our classes like this:

(defclass bicycle ()
  ((size  :reader size :initarg :size)
   (chain :reader chain
          :initarg :chain
          :initform "10-speed")
   (tire-size :reader tire-size :initarg :tire-size)
   (spares    :reader spares)))

(defclass road-bike (bicycle)
  ((tire-size :reader tire-size
              :initarg :tire-size
              :initform "23" ;millimeters
   (tape-color :reader tape-color :initarg :tape-color)))

(defclass mountain-bike (bicycle)
  ((tire-size :reader tire-size
              :initarg :tire-size
              :initform "2.1" ;inches
   (front-shock :reader front-shock :initarg :front-shock)
   (rear-shock  :reader rear-shock  :initarg :rear-shock)))

This roughly corresponds to the code on page 126. The :INITFORM key gives a default value to the slot when an instance is initialized. This kind of setup seems solid, but it leads to a couple of problems. The first of which comes when Metz introduces a new bike subclass, this one with a different default chain. This seems easy enough to get around, by overiding the chain slot setup in the new class.

(defclass recumbent-bike (bicycle)
  ((chain :reader chain
          :initarg chain
          :initform "9-speed")))

But this is graceless. We also have a problem in that this new class doesn’t define a default value for TIRE-SIZE. Metz recommends that the Ruby Bicycle class method default_tire_size raise a NotImplemented error in this circumstance to alert future developers adding classes and accessing new objects. Our Lisp implementation is already going to raise an UNBOUND-SLOT error if one proceeds with calling TIRE-SIZE on new RECUMBENT-BIKE objects.

There can be other issues, particular to Common Lisp, with using :INITFORM key values like this. These are discussed Chris Reisbeck’s notes on Graham’s ANSI Common Lisp chapter 11 but also at this Lisp tips post. The recommended way of dealing with these is with the :DEFAULT-INITARGS which results in cleaner code overall. While we’re at it, we’ll implement RECUMBENT-BIKE more completely.

(defclass bicycle ()
  ((size      :reader size      :initarg :size)
   (chain     :reader chain     :initarg :chain)
   (tire-size :reader tire-size :initarg :tire-size)
   (spares    :reader spares))
   :chain "10-speed"))

(defclass road-bike (bicycle)
  ((tape-color :reader tape-color :initarg :tape-color))
   :tire-size "23" ;millimeters

(defclass mountain-bike (bicycle)
  ((front-shock :reader front-shock :initarg :front-shock)
   (rear-shock  :reader rear-shock  :initarg :rear-shock))
   :tire-size "2.1" ;inches

(defclass recumbent-bike (bicycle)
  ((flag :reader flag :initarg :flag))
   :chain "9-speed"
   :tire-size "28"))

Not only is this implementation much cleaner, the default-values are now pushed outwards, external to the slot definitions. They are important only where they need to be important: in the initialization parameters. Reading this code, I find the :DEFAULT-INITARGS section almost documentary. :INITFORM values can have a place, but it’s a very particular one.

We should now rexamine how the SPARES slots of BICYCLE objects are initialized. We’ve been populating the SPARES slot with a pregenerated property list. It’s time to take that apart a bit.

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((b bicycle) &key)
  (with-slots (spares tire-size chain) b
    (setf spares
           :chain chain
           :tire-size tire-size))))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((rb road-bike) &key)
  (with-slots (spares tape-color) rb
    (setf (getf spares :tape-color) tape-color)))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((mb mountain-bike) &key)
  (with-slots (spares rear-shock) mb
    (setf (getf spares :rear-shock) rear-shock)))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((rb recumbent-bike) &key)
  (with-slots (spares flag) rb
    (setf (getf spares :flag) flag)))

We’ve added a new INITIALIZE-INSTANCE :AFTER method to the BICYCLE superclass and this gets inherited by the subclasses including the new method for RECUMBENT-BIKE objects. The handy thing about :BEFORE and :AFTER methods is that they all get called for every superclass of your object. :AFTER methods get called in most-specific-last order, so the BICYCLE class’s :AFTER method is called first to create the SPARES property list. The :AFTER methods for the subclass gets called next, to add properties to the list.

CL-USER> (spares (make-instance 'road-bike :tape-color "red"))
(:TAPE-COLOR "red" :CHAIN "10-speed" :TIRE-SIZE "23")
CL-USER> (spares (make-instance 'mountain-bike :front-shock "Manitou" :rear-shock "Fox"))
(:REAR-SHOCK "Fox" :CHAIN "10-speed" :TIRE-SIZE "2.1")
CL-USER> (spares (make-instance 'recumbent-bike :flag "tall and orange"))
(:FLAG "tall and orange" :CHAIN "9-speed" :TIRE-SIZE "28")

If we hadn’t added the new method for RECUMBENT-BIKE objects, it would initialize, but it wouldn’t add the flag to the list of spares.

This is all pretty slick; we’ve implemented these classes and covered most of the design concerns from this chapter using only features built into the CLOS architecture: INITIALIZE-INSTANCE methods, :DEFAULT-INITARGS, and inheritance. Our code is tight, focused, and nearly self-explanatory. The technique that Metz introduces in this chapter is of defining “template methods”, which subclasses can either specialize or inherit. Metz discusses how to setup method hooks so that implementors don’t have to rely on calling super for features. Although we don’t need to implement any of these to achieve the same ends, it’s worth considering what we could do to make it easier.

One outstanding concern is that the INITIALIZE-INSTANCE methods have a very significant dependence on knowing about the implementation details of the class. The signs of this are in using the WITH-SLOTS macro to access the slots directly, but also in the subclass :AFTER methods knowing that SPARES is a property list, they can add properties to.

On the one hand, it’s reasonable to expect that implementors of INITIALIZE-INSTANCE methods should require this kind of inside knowledge about the classes they create objects of. But this is not true of most methods we might define for our classes. It would be best, even for INITIALIZE-INSTANCE methods, if we could limit how much has to be known outside the class implementation. For this iteration of demo code, I think we’ve done enough.

