At the end of chapter 8 of POODR I felt very puzzled and didn’t have confidence in my understanding of the Composite pattern as presented, even after doing a translation of it in Common Lisp as above. This was unusual situation in my experience of reading this this book, and I thought I really should dig into the subject of the Composite pattern to see what it was I was missing.

I think what it is, is that the Composite pattern is more complex, powerful, and involving than presented in the example. Metz’s text on the subject indicates this, but without an example that really demonstrates this, I found it hard to see through to appreciate the Composite pattern until I read more on the subject in other books.

I should say, POODR has still been an enormous help to me, and I recommend it with the only caveat so far, that a beginner may need some additional support in understanding the Composite pattern in this chapter.

It’s a small, thing, but I’m going to dwell on it. I’m going to try a rather naive implementation of the Composite pattern in Common Lisp but try to make it so it demonstrates it’s power and utility, in a way I will probably be unsatisfied with, ultimately, but at least I tried.

Considered generally we could begin implementing the composition pattern with these classes:

(defclass component ()
  ((composite :initform nil :reader component-of))
  (:documentation "Base class of components"))

(defclass composite (component)
  ((components :initform nil :reader comprises))
  (:documentation "Base class of composites"))

In this implementation the COMPONENT class provides a slot to link back to a single composite object. There is only a reader method, COMPOSED-OF for this slot, we do not want this slot to be casually overwritten with a SETF. There is not an :INITARG parameter for this slot, for we don’t want it set on initialization. Here we also see a good use of :INITFORM for a slot. When COMPONENT objects are made, the COMPOSITE slot must be nil. Of course, it is by default, but :INITFORM still serves in a “code as documentation” way. We signal to others (and our future selves) that values for this slot are set in a particular way.

The COMPOSITE class inherits all this from COMPONENT (in Ruby Component would be a module) and adds a COMPONENTS slot with the same restrictions, and a reader method COMPRISES.

With these constraints, almost all interaction with the data of objects of these classes must be through tightly bound methods which provide a simple coherent interface.

(defgeneric piece-p (piece whole)
  (:documentation "Test if component member of composite"))
(defgeneric compose (piece whole)
  (:documentation "Include a component into a composite"))
(defgeneric dispose (piece whole)
  (:documentation "Exclude a component from a composite"))
(defgeneric transit (piece whole)
  (:documentation "Transfer a component between composites"))

(defmethod piece-p ((piece component) (whole composite))
  (equalp (composed-of piece) whole))

(defmethod compose ((piece component) (whole composite))
  (adjoin piece (slot-value whole components)))

(defmethod compose :around ((piece (component)) (whole composite))
  (setf (slot-value piece 'composite) piece)

(defmethod dispose ((piece component) (whole composite))
  (delete piece (slot-value whole components)))

(defmethod dispose :around ((piece component) (whole composite))
  (setf (slot-value piece 'composite) nil)

(defmethod transit ((piece component) (whole composite))
  (let ((source (composed-of piece)))
    (cond ((null source)
           (compose piece whole))
          ((not (equalp source whole))
           (dispose piece source)
           (compose piece whole)))))

There are numerous problems with this implementation.

There’s almost certainly some things to do here to make this more transactional so that updates are better approximate ACID operations in databases, but that’s a research topic a bit out-of-scope here.

Another problem is that a given class can only inherit from one of either COMPONENT or COMPOSITE. We’d need to do a bit of macro work so that users could DEFCOMPONENT or DEFCOMPOSITE and specify appropriate slot names. The methods may have to be generated by the macro too. While we’re at it we should fix the above-mentioned problem of not being able to set the :COMPONENT-OF value at object creation, by setting up INITIALIZE-INSTANCE :AFTER methods.

What happens if you want to COMPOSE a COMPONENT with another COMPONENT? Well, in this case you get an error, which is probably fine most of the time. But you might want to define component classes that return nil, or perhaps even another to convert it to COMPOSITE class.

These are all mildly tricky but solvable issues, in any case, what we have is a set of methods on COMPONENT and COMPOSITE objects, and classes that can be inherited to implement a Composite design pattern. As naive as this implementation is, it’s worth looking at what BICYCLE would look like if we use it. Here’s my take:

(defclass sizable ()
  ((size :reader size-of :initarg :size))
  (:documentation "Provides a size slot"))

(defclass colorful ()
  ((color :reader color-of :initarg :color))
  (:documentation "Provides a color slot"))

(defclass bike-part (component)
  ((spare :reader sparep :initarg :is-spare))
  (:default-initargs :is-spare nil)
  (:documentation "General bike part class"))

(defclass bike-frame (bike-part sizable colorful)

(defclass chain (bike-part sizable)
  (:default-initargs :is-spare t))

(defclass tire (bike-part sizable)
  (:default-initargs :is-spare t))

(defclass tape (bike-part colorful)

(defclass bicycle (composite)
  ((spare-parts :initform (make-instance 'composite) :reader spares)))

(defmethod find-spare ((part bike-part) (bike bicycle))
  (when (piece-p part bike)
    (find-if (lambda (spare) (typep spare (type-of part)))
             (spares bike))))

(defmethod add-spare ((part bike-part) (bike bicycle))
  (unless (find-spare part bike)
    (compose part (spares bike))))

(defmethod use-spare ((spare bike-part) (bike bicycle))
  (let ((spare (find-spare part bike)))
    (when spare
      (transit spare bike))))

(defun make-bicycle-road (frame-size frame-color tape-color)
  (let ((bike (make-instance bicycle)))
    (compose (make-instance 'frame
                            :size frame-size
                            :color frame-color)
    (compose (make-instance 'chain :size "10 speed") bike)
    (compose (make-instance 'tire :size "23 mm") bike)
    (compose (make-instance 'tape :color "red") bike)
       for part in (remove-if-not #'sparep (comprises bike))
       do (compose part (spares bike))
       finally (return bike))))

Taken altogether, this is way more complex than the implementation based on the one in POODR. I’ve all but abandoned the factory method technique, but you can see what remains of it in MAKE-BICYCLE-ROAD and I hope you imagine the equivalent for MAKE-BICYCLE-MOUNTAIN. Instead I am relying on a combination of inheritance and composition to define properties for these classes and their instances. I’ve implemented, two different compositions, one in the SPARES slot of BICYCLE and BICYCLE itself, and written methods so that we can make reasonable use of them.

Despite the complexity our classes and methods are short, and reasonably easy to understand and use. The Composite pattern interfaces don’t simply delegate but provide real utilities to these objects. Despite their implementation problems COMPONENT and COMPOSITE set down a solid foundation which can be refactored into something more general.

I’ll try another iteration of this to address the implementation issues. In the meantime I hope this serves as illustration of composition pattern concepts in Common Lisp.
