This has been a long time in coming and this post is long in the reading. Chapter 9, the last chapter of POODR, is called “Designing Cost-Effective Tests” and might be my favorite chapter.

We start with a summary of the three basic skills required for writing well designed, easily changeable code.

  1. Design code with the principle of changeability. “Poorly designed code is naturally difficult to change. From a practical point of view, changeability is the only design metric that matters; code that’s easy to change is well designed.”
  2. Refactor existing code to improve it’s design. “Good design preserves maximum flexibility at minimum cost by putting off decisions at every opportunity, deferring commitments until more specific requirements arrive. When that day comes, refactoring is how you morph current code structure into one that accomodates the new requirements.”
  3. Write high value tests. “Tests give you confidence to refactor constantly. Efficient tests prove that altered code behaves correctly without raising overall costs. Good tests weather code refactorings with aplomb; they are written such that changes to the code do not force rewrites of the tests.” (pg, 192)

In the earlier chapters we’ve been rehearsing the first two. In the last we begin work on the third. Let’s see how to write high value tests in Common Lisp.

As in Ruby there are quite a few testing suites for Common Lisp. This overview is from 2007 but reviewing a few of the tests suites, mentioned it still seems relevant in 2016.

I’m not going to use any testing suite. I’m taking this occasion to show a more primitive testing methodology, useful for “greenfield”, “spiking”, and even certain kinds of refactoring. We observe the same principles mentioned throughout this chapter, but observe thay they require very few formalities. We just need Lisp (or Ruby, or Python, or whatever).

Identifying intentions

I wish I could quote the entire section “Intentional testing”. You’ll have to be content with this summary.

Tests should serve to reduce costs. Many new programmers and experienced programmers who are new to testing, stuggle to write effective and efficient tests. “Getting good value from tests requires clarity of intention and knowing what, when and how to test.”

You may intend any combination of several things in testing:

  • finding and preventing bugs
  • documenting interfaces and features
  • deferring design decisions
  • supporting abstractions
  • exposing design flaws

Some notes on the last three:

In order to use defer design decisions, tests must be oriented around interfaces. Whenever a point of ambiguity emerges, as long as the the interface is stable, you can hide your hacks around the ambiguity behind the interface. When the ambiguity resolves the interface and tests should be largely unaffected by the changes you make.

This process emerges into the supporting abstraction intention.

Good design naturally progresses toward small independent objects that rely on abstractions. The behavior of well-designed applications gradually becomes the result of the interaction among the abstractions.

Metz goes on to discuss the costs of this, that as the abstractions and interactions increase in number and complexity, it becomes increasingly difficult to understand. In this environment, tests become vital.

This emerges into the last intention. If a test is difficult to write, it is likely that the design of the abstractions and interactions is wrong. “Tests are the canary in the coal mine; when the design is bad, testing is hard.”

To gain all the benefits of tests for the least cost, you must “write loosely coupled tests about only the things that matter.”

Discovering what matters

Much of Metz’s discussion here uses the “message-passing” metaphor of OOP, which I didn’t understand very well for a long time, and even now the concept is foreign to my thinking about programming. However, the principles in this section don’t require it.

  • test everything, once, in the proper place.
  • test intentionally.
  • do not entangle the test with the test subject.
  • test public interfaces, ignore private ones.

Metz distinguishes a “query” as a function or method whose return value is of primary importance, from a “command” which is a function or method that has a side effect or change of state that is of primary importance. This breaks down into the following

  • “Incoming messages should be tested for the state they return.”
  • “Outgoing command messages should be tested to ensure they get sent.”
  • “Outgoing query messages should not be tested.”

This is expanded on in one of Metz’s talks, the slides of which can be found here:

We’re going to review some of the issues in that talk, and for which I’m copying this table:

message query command
incoming Assert result Assert direct, public side effects
sent to self Ignore Ignore
outgoing Ignore Expect to send

What does this mean for Common Lisp code?

Firstly, we can easily adapt the distinction between a stateless function (“query”) which has no side effects and only returns a value, and a procedure (“command”) which has a side effect, and may not return anything relevant.

Secondly we should consider the kinds of the tests in discussion. To “assert” here is to test that a function or proceedure returns a particular value. To “expect” is to test that a function or procedure is called under the assumed circumstances. Assertions are easily enough written in native Common Lisp.

However, the “incoming/internal/outgoing” distinction is going to require some creativity. Consider this simple class and method:

(defclass wheel ()
  ((rim  :initarg :rim  :reader rim)
   (tire :initarg :tire :reader tire)))

(defmethod diameter ((w wheel))
  (+ (rim w) (* 2 (tire w))))

In the Ruby version, diameter would be considered “incoming” and despite inverted sense of this in CLOS, it remains sensible to test it’s correctness by testing it’s return value.

We could likewise write tests for the reader methods rim and tire and any other accessor methods which get automatically generated by defclass, however it would be more like testing CLOS rather than the wheel class, so we should consider them “internal” and figure out other things to test.

Now let’s look at this class and method:

(defclass gear (observable)
  ((cog :initarg :cog :accessor cog)))

(defmethod (setf cog) :after ((gear gear) (cog integer))
  (dolist (observer (observers gear))
      (observes observer 
              (make-instance 'observation
                               :obj gear
                               :changed :cog
                               :to cog))))

Here we’ve setup an ancillary :after method to the (setf cog) method. We use these to define what to notify observers about changes to a gear object’s cog slot. The implementation of the observable mixin class, it’s observers method, and the observes method of an observer object, and the observation class, are left as an exercise to the reader.

It’s trivial to test if a gear object is a member of observable. Metz suggests that observes and observer ought to have their own tests, so preparing an observer for testing the observability of gears is testing the wrong thing. So, the test case for the observability of gears and cogs must depend on our desire that (setf cog) actually triggers a call the observe method. Since calling observe is a side-effect of the change in value, we don’t care about the return value of either observe or (setf cog)–in fact, we won’t know what the return value of the ancillary method is, when we call (setf cog) we’ll only ever get what (setf cog) returns.

To write this expectation we’ll have to:

  1. Verify that observes exists as a method for observer objects.
  2. Shadow the observes method with a definition that we can check the outcome of.

We don’t want to do anything further as we’re on the line of “testing implementation rather than behavior”. Even so, we specified that gear was observable, we should make sure that what we want observed is observed.

How do we do this?

For number 1 we can count on the system raising an error if the observes method doesn’t exist. For number 2:

(let (outcome)
  (flet ((observes (observer &key &allow-other-keys)
             (setf outcome t)))
      (let ((gear (make-instance 'gear :cog 11 
                                       :observers (list '()))))
      (setf (cog gear) 12)
      (check-type outcome t))))

I would strongly prefer that casual testing be a lot less ceremonial and complicated. It’s the sort of thing is best for formal test suites where they have abstracted things like this. For the casual tester, testing the outcome as we just said we shouldn’t do as it would be covered by tests of the observer superclass, is probably sufficient, and definitely simpler:

(let* ((observer (make-instance observer))
       (gear (gear (make-instance 'gear
                                  :cog 11
                                  :observers (list observer)))))
  (setf (cog gear) 12)
  (assert (= 12 (latest-change observer :cog))))

In any case, the thing I come away with is that, despite the differences in Ruby and Common Lisp’s OOP models, Metz’s advice on testing OOP in either seems to apply equally well with few adjustments.

  function procedure
public assert return value expect effect outcome
private or built-in ignore ignore

When to write tests

Metz cautions against being too dogmatic about the Test Driven Development dictum, “write tests first,” but she does strongly recommend it for novice programmers. However well served by the practice novices are, their output will show they have a lot to learn about design. But their code will be testable, which is something it might not otherwise be.

It is an unfortunate truth that the most complex code is usually written by the least qualified person. This does not reflect an innate complexity of the underlying task, rather a lack of experience on the part of the programmer. Novice programmers don’t yet have the skills to write simple code.

As novice myself, I’ve come to think it’s pretty important for a test-driven developer (novice or expert) to become familiar with testing anti-patterns. There’s any number of articles one can read of skepticism of test-driven and behavior-driven development, and many of them home in on the anti-patterns of TDD/BDD without coming to terms with them as anti-patterns. Metz’s earlier points about what not to test will serve us well in avoiding some of them. Unfortunately, the best way to quickly become really familiar with testing anti-patterns seems to be to implement them and suffer the consequences.

Since Metz’s approach to testing is centered on reducing the cost of change, this chapter discusses some pragmatics. When developing something new, it’s common for a more experienced developers to “spike”–that is, flesh out the implementation to define the interfaces before developing tests. Unfortunately the developer doing the spike is at risk of designer hubris. However, “test first” comes with it’s own design risks. As has happened to me a few times, setting up initial tests can calcify your initial interface designs. When you realize the design faults you’ll find yourself having to refactor both tests and implementation. The second iteration might only fare a little better.

I know when this happens to me, I find it pretty discouraging, and I find myself sympathizing with those who feel TDD over-rated. There’s an apparent chicken-egg paradox here with design and testing. However just like real chickens and eggs, the solution is not that either initializes the other, it’s that they emerged at the same time, from the same processes.

Knowing how to test

As I mentioned earlier, I think you can do quite effective testing of Common Lisp code using only Common Lisp. What follows is adapted from a comment I made on about it:

Use assert for all assertions positive or negative.

Use either or both of assert and check-type to check on stateful things either before or after or both when a change is expected.

Use either handler-bind or ignore-errors to check for errors.

Testing this way means failing test will halts the program and runs the debugger. There are no nice reports, as in a formal test, however there’s no need to repeat the test with a strategically placed break statement or the equivalent.

Testing this way means every passing test returns nil. This will make more sense considering the above alternative.

Use flet or labels to mock functions and methods.

Use macrolet to mock macros.

Use symbol-macrolet to mock places.

Use let or let* to mock values either dynamic and lexical. This deserves some additional words.

CL’s lexical scopes let you mask over any dynamic variable and work with that value with no surprises or interference from the outside, whatever else happens to it. When the form is done evaluating it can be like nothing happened. In any given form you can control things like the random-state, all of the standard input/output/query/terminal streams, the readtable (the readtable!), and the many and various states of the printer, probably other things, I’m forgetting).

There’s so much more:

Use time for basic benchmarking and room to check on memory.

Use trace to get a report about a function as it runs (and use untrace to turn off reporting).

Use step step through it a process and inspect it along the way.

Use pprint with macroexpand or macroexpand-1 to debug macros.

Use disassemble to look at what machine code your program will compile to.

Use describe and inspect to report on and interact with your code.

Use readtime conditionals on your inline tests and setup a :testing in *features* to make sure they only run when you want them enabled.

What I like about this, is that you don’t have to download or configure anything you can just do it. If you’ve used RSpec or some other formal testing suite like it, I think you’ll find the native CL equivalents about on par in verbosity and ceremony, but generally around error handling. It’s more lightweight elsewhere.

There’s definitely some things you get with a formal testing package that are useful and good, but you can use this kind of thing to do a kind of scrappy, quasi-formal TDD that’s really helpful and powerful for a creative “spike” at a problem or implementation, where the formal constraints of a testing suite would otherwise seem inappropriate.

Testing incoming messages

Here’s the wheel and a method diameter for wheel objects we’ve seen before.

(defclass wheel ()
  ((rim  :reader rim  :initarg :rim)
   (tire :reader tire :initarg :tire)))

(defmethod diameter ((wheel wheel))
  (+ (rim wheel) (* 2 (tire wheel))))

Testing diameter is straightforward: it takes a wheel object and computes it’s diameter.

(let ((wheel (make-instance 'wheel :rim 26 :tire 1.5)))
  (assert (typep (diameter wheel)
                 '(float 28.9 29.1))))

Here we create a wheel test object and uses assert on the computed diameter that it’s within a certain tolerance. The assert will raise an error if it’s not and return nil if it is.

I could put this in a test function, but usually I just write tests like this right in the file I’m working in. This has the effect of running when I load the file, or when I evaluate the form in Emacs. In this way, if an error occurs, I’m immediately thrust into the Lisp debugger to try to figure out what when wrong. If it passes, nothing else happens, and I go to work on what’s next.

Now lets look at an implementation of the gear and some attendent methods. Here we’re introducing an entanglement for the purpose of illustration.

(defclass gear ()
    ((cog       :reader cog       :initarg :cog)
     (chainring :reader chainring :initarg :chainring)
     (rim       :reader rim       :initarg :rim)
     (tire      :reader tire      :initarg :tire)))

(defmethod gear-ratio ((gear gear))
    (with-accessors ((cog cog) (chainring chainring)) gear
    (/ chainring (float cog))))

(defmethod gear-inches ((gear gear))
    (* (gear-ratio gear)
      (make-instance 'wheel
                     :rim  (rim  gear)
                     :tire (tire gear)))))

Writing tests for both gear-ratio and gear-inches are as straightforward as with diameter above. But this implementation of gear-inches is coupled with the wheel object. We cannot write a test for gear-inches that’s independent of the implementation of wheel. There are two main hazards Metz discusses with this kind of coupling:

  • If wheel objects, or the computations of diameter were expensive, both application and tests would suffer without an obvious cause.
  • The correctness of gear-inches depends on the correctness of wheel and diameter. Both application and tests might fail in computing gear-inches in a area of code potentially far removed from the implementation of gear-inches.

We’re going to consider the reader methods “internal” and ignore them leaving diameter, gear-ratio, and gear-inches.

Metz’s first advice to testing every incoming message, is to delete unused interfaces, about which she encourages us to be ruthless. We don’t have any unused interfaces here, although we do have some redundant ones. We’re going to work through those in developing tests.

Isolating objects under test

We’ll look at gear and it’s methods, implemented with a wheel object “injected” into the class.

(defclass gear ()
  ((cog       :reader cog       :initarg :cog)
   (chainring :reader chainring :initarg :chainring)
   (wheel     :reader wheel     :initarg :wheel)))

(defmethod gear-ratio ((gear gear))
  (with-accessors ((cog cog) (chainring chainring)) gear
      (/ chainring (float cog))))

(defmethod gear-inches ((gear gear))
  (* (gear-ratio gear) (diameter (wheel gear))))

Here we have drawn off most of the concerns of the wheel class and gear-inches deals with wheel as a value. Testing gear-inches is straightforward:

(let* ((wheel (make-instance 'wheel :rim 26 :tire 1.5))
       (gear (make-instance 'gear
                              :cog 11
                              :chainring 52
                              :wheel wheel)))
  (assert (typep (gear-inches gear)
                 '(float 137.09 137.11))))

However gear-inches, still calls upon diameter and diameter must be a function or method that may work upon whatever the wheel object is.

Now, here is where the story of isolation and injection between Ruby and Common Lisp diverge in practice, although the principles are still the same. We’ve been defining the gear class so far such that any particular gear is defined with a built-in relation to a particular wheel. This coupling causes several problems with testing that are nearly irrelevant in Common Lisp, since CLOS separates methods from classes. Instead we should note that it’s simpler to test gears and wheels as independant objects and if they are related the relation itself can be it’s own test subject.

So lets stop defining gear objects in terms of wheel objects.

First here’s wheel, diameter, and its test again:

(defclass wheel ()
  ((rim  :reader rim  :initarg :rim)
   (tire :reader tire :initarg :tire)))

(defmethod diameter ((wheel wheel))
  (+ (rim wheel) (* 2 (tire wheel))))

(let ((wheel (make-instance 'wheel :rim 26 :tire 1.5)))
  (assert (typep (diameter wheel)
                 '(float 28.9 29.1))))

Now here’s gear, gear-ratio, and its test:

(defclass gear ()
  ((cog :reader cog :initarg :cog)
   (chainring: :reader chainring :initarg :chainring)))

(defmethod gear-ratio ((gear gear))
  (with-accessors ((cog cog) (chainring chainring)) gear
      (/ chainring (float cog))))

(let ((gear (make-instance 'gear :cog 11 :chainring 52)))
  (assert (typep (gear-ratio gear)
                 '(float 4.71 4.74))))

But now we obviously have to do something to the gear-ratio method, and that’s simply to add a wheel parameter and adjust the test accordingly.

(defmethod gear-inches ((gear gear) (wheel wheel))
  (* (gear-ratio gear) (diameter wheel)))

(let ((wheel (make-instance 'wheel :rim 26 :tire 1.5))
      (gear (make-instance 'gear :cog 11 :chainring 52)))
  (assert (typep (gear-inches gear wheel)
                 '(float 137.09 137.11))))

Now, of course, gear-inches is entirely ignorant of any other relation that it’s arguments have. Coorespondingly, for any object that relates a gear and a wheel we need not be concerned that it properly computes a gear-inches property, as we know the gear-inches method is defined to do so for any gear and wheel we provide.

While we’re at it why, are cog and chainwheel conjoined in one object? We’ll let that go. On a working bicycle the cogs and chainwheels are in communication through the chain, and treating that as a single object could make sense.

That’s a lot of words, and there’s still lots to say about this chapter and subject. I’ll save that for another time.